Dry eye refers to an eye condition caused by insufficient or poor-quality tears which prevent your eyes from being sufficiently lubricated.
Symptoms and Treatments
Dry eye symptoms can include, but are not limited to, burning, tingling, irritation, redness, discharge and/or blurred vision. These symptoms can be very mild and infrequent, or very severe and chronic.
This can result in discomfort that can lead to corneal irritation or eye infections. It is important to treat the problem after the onset of the first symptoms.
There are several solutions, as well as a wide range of products available to treat this problem: artificial tears, cleaning wipes, eye masks…
Astigmatism occurs when the curvature of the cornea and/or the crystalline is slightly irregular, resulting in blurred or distorted vision at any distance. People with myopia or hyperopia can also have astigmatism.
Symptoms and Treatments
If not corrected, astigmatism could cause headaches, visual fatigue or blurred and distorted vision at all distances. Most levels of astigmatism can be corrected with the help of properly adjusted prescription eyeglasses.
Hyperopia is a vision condition that affects a quarter of the population. People with this condition can see distant objects clearly but have difficulty seeing objects at close range.
Symptoms and Treatments
Farsighted people often experience headaches and visual fatigue. They may also squint and feel tired when working at close range. This vision problem can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. A hyperopic prescription is expressed as a positive number. It is likely that glasses or contact lenses are required at all times or only when reading, working on a computer or doing other close-up work.
Myopia affects approximately one third of the population. Myopes have difficulty seeing and reading things at a distance but have no problem whatsoever seeing things from up close.
Symptoms and Treatments
Myopes often experience headaches and visual fatigue, squint, experience fatigue while driving or playing certain sports. Nearsightedness can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. Depending on the severity of the problem, glasses or contact lenses may be required at all times or when driving, watching TV or a presentation. A myopic prescription is expressed as a negative number.
Presbyopia is characterised by the crystalline’s loss of elasticity resulting in difficulty to focus on near objects. Adults usually begin to experience blurred near vision around age 40. No one escapes it; presbyopia affects all adults, even if they never experienced vision problems in the past.
Symptoms and Treatments
Some signs and symptoms of presbyopia are: a need to hold reading material at arm’s length, blurred vision at a normal reading distance as well as visual fatigue accompanied by headaches when performing work at close range. Presbyopia can be corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses or by undergoing surgery.
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